Thursday, October 13, 2011

Ch. 17 - Advertising and Public Relations

Advertisement is method that marketers use to draw attention. It is a key component for marketing and business, being that advertising has the power to change a persons mind on a product and perhaps help them see it in a new light. If Apple stopped broadcasting advertisements how else would we be informed on what the new product is or the institutional advances that are being made by the company? We could always tune in tot he radio but that would just be both inconvenient and costly. It's cheaper for a company to invest in advertisements then to just let things get out through word of mouth.

Two main types of advertisements are used- institutional advertisement & product advertisement.

The image to the right is an example of Apple using institutional advertisement to create awareness in the choices people have. Giving consumers the opportunity to actually question: why am I using windows and not mac?

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Ch. 15 - Retailing

Apple holds well over 300 retail stores worldwide, not including stores considered as resellers. 4 of those retail stores are conveniently located here in New York City on, Fifth Avenuewest 14th streetSoho, and the Upper West Side. The availability of Apple to its customers is phenomenal. Once you step into any one of these 4 retail stores all of your Apple problems will hastily be solved being that they include every item that is associated with the name Apple. Mac models, iPhones, both the iPad and the iPad 2 , iPod models, as well as Apple TV. But it doesn't stop there Apple also sells accessories for all of their products such as headphones, speakers, covers and much more.

My experience with the Apple store was phenomenal, their response to a problem is great. As soon as you enter the store you can feel the livelihood of Apple and its reputation.