Friday, September 16, 2011

Ch. 4 - The Marketing Environment

Being that Apple's latest innovation, the iPad, has a vast amount of uses, it has no primary audience. The iPad very much reminds me of the phrase, "beauty is in the eye of the beholder". Although it cannot fulfill the needs of all of its potential users, it's simplicity allows it to be virtually limitless.

According to an article on Gigaom ( leading provider for information on global technology innovators), Apple Doesn't Target Markets, it Targets People. Given the sleek and modern look, as well as the simplicity of Apple products such as the iPad it really doesn't need a target market to sell. what other company can make the complexities of using technology as simple as any one of its products? Very few.

Apple satisfies the wants and needs of many. From the average college student to even the college professor who is looking for a quicker, more unique way to access data. This ties in with the topic I'll be addressing in a later post about how Apple restricted from adding many features to the iPad in order to keep it's target market open.

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